Sutan of Crystal Dew
"Sutan of Crystal Dew" is the house I built mostly by myself for my beloved wife, Sutan, to thank her for believing in me, a then poor, unknown, and handicapped fellow. At 17 years young, she disregarded all the concerns and disapproval from the family and friends and gave me her hand. This courage, this faith, and this love, throughout my life, how can I ever love her enough?
在無數的歲月裡,妳那深切的愛和温婉的照料潤了我的心 彩繪了我的夢
Golden Ears Mountain
金穗山的故鄉 萬里白雲的舞台
在我們尋夢的皮特草原上 我獻上用珍爱為妳雕砌的城堡 ------ 書丹白露
Home to the majestic Golden Ears
Stage of dancing clouds
On our dream-seeking meadows, built with my dearest heart,
I present you with our Castle of Love
-------Sutan of Crystal Dew
情人眼裡出西施 我永遠17歲的情人
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. My forever 17-year-young lover.
老天是公平的,為了補償我的殘疾,衪給了我彫刻的技藝,讓我在篆刻上發光發熱,衪又給了我繪畫的手,讓我可以瀟灑的彩繪人生但更重要地, 衪賜給了我天堂裡最温柔、最善解人意和最美麗的天使,來撫平我脚下的崎嶇難行之憾.
In countless days, your profound love and gentle care, have enriched my life and coloured my dreams. God is fair. To compensate my difficulty, he gives me wonderful engraving skills so I can earn my recognition and reputation, and he also gives me a pair of hands that paint so I can colour our world. Above all, he gifts me with the tenderest, the most understanding, and the most beautiful angel in heaven to console me for the handicap I have been through.
Most of the scenery photos, except for those of the building and yard,
are taken from various rooms of the house.
Most of the scenery photos, except for those of the building and yard,
are taken from various rooms of the house.
I started building the house in 2002, applied for occupancy permit in 2004, and finally slowly but surely in 2007, after 5 years, finished the whole project. I have severe osteoporosis, and to make it worse, suffer polio and fall all the time. During this period of time, major and minor, I encountered altogether 9 bone fractures. As for the work, about 15% of it, in which I didn’t take part, was done by professional contractors (By law some jobs must be done by licensed workers, for instance, electrical work.), another 15% I hired helpers to assist me, my friend Steve Chou and Dangtung Su and our other family members contributed about 5%, and with Sutan by my side, I took care of the rest of 65% by myself.
I started building the house in 2002, applied for occupancy permit in 2004, and finally slowly but surely in 2007, after 5 years, finished the whole project. I have severe osteoporosis, and to make it worse, suffer polio and fall all the time. During this period of time, major and minor, I encountered altogether 9 bone fractures. As for the work, about 15% of it, in which I didn’t take part, was done by professional contractors (By law some jobs must be done by licensed workers, for instance, electrical work.), another 15% I hired helpers to assist me, my friend Steve Chou and Dangtung Su and our other family members contributed about 5%, and with Sutan by my side, I took care of the rest of 65% by myself.
書丹白露-----是我為這座家園取的名字,我耗時5年親自設計、看了無數的建築書籍和施工教學錄影帶、詳盡的研究了當地的建築法現、拜了好幾位名師、畫了80多張建築圖、再一磚一瓦為愛妻---書丹, 所建造的一座宅邸. 她佔地16.3英畝,位於温哥華東邊三十分車程風景如畫的皮特草原. 繼續往東走是近來急速開發中的楓樹嶺,一橋之隔的西方則是高貴林市的名區---西木高原,南邊的菲沙河,一瀉千里,為我們帶來淘淘不盡内陸的冰雪融水,而静靜矗立在北方的則是一系列完整的北方山系.
"Sutan of Crystal Dew" is the name we gave our property. She is the house I built for my beloved wife, Sutan. It took me five years, after 80 some drafts and blue prints, studying many architectural books, watching numerous construction videos, thoroughly readying local building bylaws, learning techniques from many highly skilled masters, nail after nail, brick after brick and finally forming this house. She rests on a 16.3 acre agricultural land, located in picturesque Pitt Meadows, 30 minutes drive from Vancouver. In the east is the rapidly growing city of Maple Ridge. To the west, a bridge away, is Coquitlam and it's upscale neighbourhood of Westwood Plateau.
Don't you think these hills are very much like those of in Kueilin, China ?
其實一開始我們也要找建商來建造,但因此建商無法達到我那種超完美的堅持,且加拿大建材和技術性工資極高,礙於有限的預算,若要樣樣達到我所希望的工作品質,在費用上也不是我所能負擔的,因此決定自己來. 如同西洋諺語所云---If you want the job done right, do it yourself. (想要有好的工作 品質,就要自己親手做). 我雖患有小兒麻痺和嚴重的骨質疏鬆症,但為了追求完美,就決定鼓起天生不怕難的傲氣,將對妻子的無限感謝和深摯的愛,化在一磚一瓦和一釘一木之中,一步一腳印地堆積出這座我們愛的城堡.
After much effort searching for the best candidate, we approached a well reputed builder. Shortly after, we found that he couldn't achieve the high standards which I had pictured in mind. On top of that, the labour and high-end material were so expansive. It would be too much over my budget unless I lowered my expectation. There is a saying, "If you want the job done right, do it yourself." Though, I had polio and severe osteoporosis, for reaching my goal of perfection, I decided to muster my fearless backbone and do it myself. By transforming my eternal love and gratitude to Sutan into every brick and nail, step by step, I built us this castle of everlasting love.
Here, in the rural area, we love everything about it. If we were to live in a crowded city, why bother moving here thousands of miles away from our motherland.

Here, in the rural area, we love everything about it. If we were to live in a crowded city, why bother moving here thousands of miles away from our motherland.
Before I tell the story, I must thank a behind-the-scenes hero, Steve Chou, who helped me fulfill this dream. Without him, I don't really know if I could have finished this project. He is the third son of a well known philanthrope in Taiwan, the donor of Jung-fu elementary school, Mr. Jung-fu Chou. Steve grew up in a family of plenty and never did any physical labour work. When he learned I was building the house, he voluntarily offered to help.
People who know how fussy I am, understand how difficult it is working with me, and I only trust my own quality of work. However, on the first day at work, while we were using laser level to find out the corners of the house, he was directing me on the other end---"move forward A HAIR, too much, too much, go back HALF A HAIR...." Holy Moly! My entire world sang! I finally, in my life, found someone who is as committed to perfection as I am.
We preloaded for the foundation of the pillars with sand for 8 months, so in the future they will not settle farther. He said that both sides will have the same load in the future, so he was fine tuning the amount of loading sand to make them equal.
Happily, we went to the construction site every morning, and came back only when the moon was out...... Suddenly, like thunder in a clear sky, the doctor diagnosed he had terminal stage cancer. Oh God! whenever, I think of him, with the weak body, digging the dirt, carrying the beams, climbing up and down...... That must have made his condition even worse. To a bosom friend like him, the gratitude and heartbreak is beyond description.
在少了他的工地,當然少了很多的笑聲,擔子也加倍的沉重,但每當我遇到困難時,只要想起了他,我的鬥志就立即油然而生,有他的激勵,再難、再苦都打不倒我的.今天,我一定要説----没有他就没有書丹白露. 現在他正在台灣勇敢地與癌細胞搏鬥,請大家和我一起為他加油吧!
Without him, of course there were not many laughters left on the job site. The burden was much heavier. Yet, whenever I faced difficulties and fell depressed, I reminded myself of his spirit. It encouraged me. No challenge could defeat me. Here, I want to say "without him, there is no Sutan of Crystal Dew." Today, he is bravely fighting with cancer in Taiwan. Let's cheer for him!
A brave perfectionist, who unknowingly suffered last stage cancer, helped me for 4 months.
This was a favour I could never return.
This was a favour I could never return.
令人無限婉惜地,這位追求完美的勇士在和癌細胞搏鬥多年之後,已經離開了我們,我知道這輩子再也難以碰到像這樣的一位知音了. 永生哥,為你也為我,我會繼續堅持我們這份完美主義的理念,在我的心靈深處永遠會珍藏著這份屬於我們的美好回憶,請你一路好走,永别了,好友!
Sadly, Steve the brave perfectionist has already left us after fighting for years with cancer cells. I know it is highly unlikely for me to meet a man like him again in my life. Steve, for you and for myself, I will persist in our mutual ideals and principals. Deep in my heart, there will always be a spot for our wonderful memories. Safe trip to the heaven, farewell my friend!
我正在做車道入口兩旁的擋土牆. 照片拍完的約兩個小時後,我右手的無名指,被磚塊砸下壓斷,這只是第一次,在完工前還有另外8次大大小小的其他骨折在等著我.但願我有時光機,可以回去告訴自己小心點.
I was building retaining walls for the culvert. One of the Allan block crushed my left ring finger two hours after this photo was taken. There were other 8 fractures waiting for me during the rest of the construction. Wish I had a time machine.
I didn't want to waste any time. The next morning after the fracture, I asked friends carry me to the construction site and started working.
I didn't want to waste any time. The next morning after the fracture, I asked friends carry me to the construction site and started working.
I had to learn how to operate all the rental machines.
I had to learn how to operate all the rental machines.
One piece of work done is one step closer.
One piece of work done is one step closer.
書丹在照相,當然要笑笑的,但想到還那麼大一片要做, 哎!..............男人真命苦
With her hand held, I felt like Popeye had his spinach. During this time, we camped in the motorhome in the background.
A carpenter in his underpants.
Master bedroom on the third floor.
Terrorist combatting
Watch your step!
Slowly but surly, I was finishing the pillars
Finishing touch to the door.
書丹白露坐北朝南,屋後有綿延超過180度的數座高聳名山, 就像龍椅一般,屋前則是寬廣平坦的牧草原, 這乃是風水專家最愛的--後有靠山, 前程遼闊, 再加上Alouette 河 從旁而過, 更是表徵權貴的錦帶環腰, 山主丁、水主財, 我們很幸運的能找到這一片風生水起的寶地.
Facing south to the stretching hay fields, Sutan of Crystal Dew has many mountains behind the house. This is one of the most favoured locations for Phong-Shui experts. The mountains represent strong support and are a symbol of the "emperor's seat", while the level, wide open field in front means smooth and expanding future. Furthermore, Alouette River flowing through the side of the property, like a waistband of the nobility, symbolizes authority and power. In Chinese culture, mountains bring you prosperity, and water gives you wealth. We are lucky to have found this precious property.
Facing south to the stretching hay fields, Sutan of Crystal Dew has many mountains behind the house. This is one of the most favoured locations for Phong-Shui experts. The mountains represent strong support and are a symbol of the "emperor's seat", while the level, wide open field in front means smooth and expanding future. Furthermore, Alouette River flowing through the side of the property, like a waistband of the nobility, symbolizes authority and power. In Chinese culture, mountains bring you prosperity, and water gives you wealth. We are lucky to have found this precious property.
全年有7~8個月的山頭雪景, 加上山腰上變幻莫測的雲彩, 屋中任何一個房間都可欣賞到這巧奪天工終年不斷的山光美景
There are 7-8 months of snow-capped mountain view.
With ever-changing clouds and lights, every room in the house can see such beautiful scenery all year round.
- 西元2000年BC Tell 大温地區的封面首頁就是在屋後的河邊拍攝取景
- 幾年來已有約10部電影, 希望洽談在此租借拍片, 皆遭書丹婉拒.
- 方圓5哩内有包括知名的Swan-E-Set等四座高爾夫球場
- 800多呎與Alouette River相鄰的河畔土地
- 360度無遮攔美景
- 東方--終年積雪的北美名山---貝克山 Mount Baker
- 東北--金穗山 Golden Ears Mountain
- 北方--北方山系 Northern Mountains
- 西北—博克山、老鷹山 Burke Mountain, Eagle Mountain
- 西方--如詩如畫的萬里夕照及西木高原的夜景
- 南方--寬廣舒暢的牧草原
In year 2000, the image of the cover page of BC Tell's phone book
is taken from the dyke behind the house.
For the past few years, there have been about 10 film productions wanting to rent this place; however, Sutan declined.
Within miles, there are four golf clubs including the well known Swan-E-Set.
800 some feet of Alouette river next to the property
360 degree beautiful views without blocking.
East---Mount Baker
Northeast---Golden Ears Mountain
North---Northern Mountains
Northwest---Burke Mountain and Eagle Mountain
West---beautiful sunset and nightscape over Westwood Plateau.
South---Far-stretching and soothing hay fields.
is taken from the dyke behind the house.
For the past few years, there have been about 10 film productions wanting to rent this place; however, Sutan declined.
Within miles, there are four golf clubs including the well known Swan-E-Set.
800 some feet of Alouette river next to the property
360 degree beautiful views without blocking.
East---Mount Baker
Northeast---Golden Ears Mountain
North---Northern Mountains
Northwest---Burke Mountain and Eagle Mountain
West---beautiful sunset and nightscape over Westwood Plateau.
South---Far-stretching and soothing hay fields.
This image of Mount Baker's sunrise is taken from the master bedroom.
We are so lucky to have such beautiful view as our morning call.
This image of Mount Baker's sunrise is taken from the master bedroom.
We are so lucky to have such beautiful view as our morning call.
Sunset over Mount Baker
Mount Baker deserves it's name for the constant changing beauty.
Having Mount Baker view was the first criterion when we were searching for the land for the house.
Sunset dyes Alouette River red
In the Fall, blue berry fields become seas of fire
Even when raining, it can be so poetic
Even when raining, it can be so poetic
Pitt Meadows is well worth its name as home of rainbows.
Pitt Lake and the mountains provide the moisture for forming rainbows.
If weather conditions are right, sometimes it happens many times in a day.
Pitt Meadows is well worth its name as home of rainbows.
Pitt Lake and the mountains provide the moisture for forming rainbows.
If weather conditions are right, sometimes it happens many times in a day.
Double Rainbow
Double Rainbow
全屋有近40片的觀景窗, 及5個露台, 從每個角度往外看都是一幅畫, 且春夏秋冬各具特色, 東南西北各有所長, 陰晴雲雨時時驚艷,日夜晨昏刻刻醉人,我倆經常幾天都不出門,真的是忘記了還尚處人間.
There are 2 decks, 3 balconies, and about 40 view windows around the house. In every window it is like a live picture. Every season has its own character, every direction shows its distinguishing feature. There are different beauties in all kinds of weather, and a unique charm in any given time of the day. It's not uncommon that we stay home for days without going out, forgetting we are still on earth.
There are 2 decks, 3 balconies, and about 40 view windows around the house. In every window it is like a live picture. Every season has its own character, every direction shows its distinguishing feature. There are different beauties in all kinds of weather, and a unique charm in any given time of the day. It's not uncommon that we stay home for days without going out, forgetting we are still on earth.
Because the northern mountains trap the clouds here in this plain, sunsets in Pitt Meadows are absolutely beyony description.
The God is almighty. Sometimes you think he must have used up the most beautiful dyes to dress up the sky. The next day, he greets the setting sun with absolutely different colours, yet, equally stunning.
Because the northern mountains trap the clouds here in this plain, sunsets in Pitt Meadows are absolutely beyony description.
The God is almighty. Sometimes you think he must have used up the most beautiful dyes to dress up the sky. The next day, he greets the setting sun with absolutely different colours, yet, equally stunning.
There is a viewing deck on both main and upper levels.
After dinner, we like to each have a cup of coffee and enjoy the masterpiece of the nature.
Isn't it romantic?
We never grow tired of watching the sunset everyday.
Being able to enjoy such beautiful and romantic sunsets in our own house,
there isn't much more we need to enrich our world.
Being able to enjoy such beautiful and romantic sunsets in our own house,
there isn't much more we need to enrich our world.
This picture was taken in my bed.
It's a view outside of my bedroom.
Woken up by such scenery, who wants to waste time staying in bed?
從大街轉入書丹白露是長達600呎的鋼筋水泥車道,右側則是翡翠杉的行道樹, 前後停車場可納下超過二十多部的訪客停車、露營車及船隻等, 並可兼用為籃球場或羽毛球場等.我在車道下採用了大量的 6"minus 石塊做為地基,並在地基兩旁延伸1呎,再用特大型壓路機將它打實,外加上這幾年來許多的工程大卡車的壓實,真正只能用"堅若盤石"來形容,不過這也害苦了自己,因為在最後要灌混凝土前,模板跟本釘不下去,只好找來鋼條先打洞,才得以將模板固定,在那一段日子裏真是苦不堪言.每天晚上都累到双手舉不起來,不過現在當我車開在這條"堅若盤石"的車道上時,心中真有無限的成就感.
Turning in from the street, with hundreds of emerald green cedars on the right, there is a 600 foot long concrete and rebar reinforced private drive way and parking spaces of over 20 vehicles. Underneath the concrete, large amount of 6" minus crush rocks were used for the foundation. I then extended one foot more on the sides to consolidate the base and used an overkilled large roller to compact it. On top of this, those heavy construction trucks have added so much extra compaction to the driveway over the years. It is exactly like our old Chinese saying "as solid as granite". However, because of this, I only made it harder for myself when building the wood forms for the concrete of the driveway. The ground was so solid that I couldn't drive in the stakes for the forms. I ended using a steel bar and a big hammer to pilot holes for them. On those nights my arms were so tired and sore that I could hardly raise them up. Hard work pays off. Now, when I drive on this "as solid as granite" driveway I feel so good about it.
In the front courtyard I also used concrete and rebar reinforced foundation for the Alan Block retainer walls. And for the tops, instead of using ready-made caps, after many attempts, I managed to build forms and then poured cement for them. Before I started, one of my landscaper friends told me it wasn't feasible and I would fail. After I succeeded, He then said I was wasting my money and time on these trivial details. God, he doesn’t know me. Today, when I see all those blocks stand there so neat and tidy and similar to none, all the sweat are worthwhile.
The ramp in front of the house becomes a ski run after snow.
The pond is our private skating rink.
當有客來訪時,門前的環狀車道,引著客人來到二十多呎高的的頂蓬迎賓車道,下車走上两段式迎賓地毯般的紅水泥階梯, 步步高昇地來到由瑞士名匠手工打造,的12呎高的大門, 進入高達17呎的寬廣玄關……對不起!請等一下,進屋之前這座大門絕不可錯過,因為在我設計圖上的這款大門,高達12呎且上下一體成形,跟本連稍微類似的款式也找不到,經過四處的打聽,終於在百里之外的小鎮,Chilliwack,找到一位瑞士籍的手工門窗製作大師,也跑了幾個地方去看一些他之前的作品,果然是我所要找尋的千里馬,他的手藝也絕對值得這麼多趟的往返奔波,又因大門的重要性,我决定選用核桃木的材質,費用當然也讓書丹心痛不己,安裝時因為車道頂棚已經完成,無法使用吊車,音又請來了4位朋友幫忙,5個人合力才將它裝上,不過這也是書丹白露的另一個新里程,因自此而後我們就可以關上大門開始室内的建設了.When there are guests, the raised circular driveway ushers them to a 21-foot porte cochere, stepping up a set of red-carpet like greeting stairs, through a 12-foot high main entrance door, into a spacious 18-foot foyer......Hold on! Pardon me for a minute. Before entering the house, you don't want to miss this door. I designed it 12-foot high and all-in-one-piece. I couldn't even find something similar. After looking all over the place, finally 100 Km away in Chilliwack I found this Swiss hand-make door master. We even went to many places to see some of his works. Indeed he is the winged steed I was looking for, and his craftsmanship was worth every bit of the hassle. Considering the importance of it, I decided to use walnut. It's not cheap, and caused me 20 plus thousand dollars and four more friends' help to put it on. Despite all that, it is a milestone for Sutan of Crystal Dew. From now on we can close the door and start constructing the inside.
我拜當地最知名的骨董修護專家 Dennis 為師學習最上乘的透明漆粉刷技巧
From the most famous local antique restoration expert, Dennis, I learn the best finishing skills.
He started when he was 14 and is now 84 years young. He is truly a national treasure. I greatly admire his persistence to all the details.
怎能讓我國寶級的老師失望, 你説是嗎!
I finish the door as if it was a piece of antique furniture. Every step is cautiously followed and every square inch is carefully done. How can I let my master down! Don’t you think so?
v 我選用重量最輕、不會破損且在下雪時融化最快的终身保固金屬瓦片屋頂
v 一般的屋子外牆结構大多採用4" 的結構,我則選用2” x 6” 加強型結構
v 低放射綠能節能窗Low-Emissivity windows
v 新到加國者, 朋友在冬天都會叮嚀他們, 要記得關閉室外水龍頭的水源, 再將龍頭打開, 才不會水管爆裂,因此到了冬天室外没有一户有水可用,而在書丹白露裡, 為了以便冬天隅爾的室外用水需要, 特别裝有室外防結凍的冷、熱水龍頭, 就算冬天在屋外洗滌物品, 也可以熱呼呼的.
We use metal shingles. It is not only beautiful and durable but also melts snow faster.
2"x6" construction
Low-Emissivity windows
For new immigrants to Canada, in the winter, friends usually remind them to shut off the valves from inside and open up the taps outside. As a result, nobody has water outside in the winter. At Sutan of Crystal Dew, for the occasional need of water in the winter, we have anti-frozen hot and cold water taps on the exterior wall. There is no frozen fingers when washing something outside.
v 我們採用綠能環保,全年恆温的冷暖氣地熱能源系統 -- GEO-THERMAL SYSTEM . 全年提供最乾淨、最便宜的能源, 全屋的冷氣、暖氣、熱水、廚房烹調、家電、電燈照明等所有能源費, 最近一年來,平均每月只要約144元.這個系統的運作原理是在地底下埋入大量的吸温管線,在冬天因地表氣温較地底為低,故所吸收上來的源源不斷又免費的熱度,經由風扇送出就成為暖氣,反之在夏天地表的氣温較高,所吸收上來的當然就是取之不盡的冷氣了.而且不只如此,就連我們那超大的熱水桶,全天候24小時也都由這個幾乎免費的能源系統一手搞定,記得我們以前住在本那比時,那種一般家庭用的40加崙熱水桶,每次只夠一個人泡澡,第二個人都要等上老半天水熱了時才可再享用熱水澡,如今有了這套快速加熱的地熱能源系統就算三四個人用也不成問題,想想現在真是太幸福了.如果不是住在郊區,也没有如此大的地底面積來容納此系統了. 此外這套系統能有這麼高的效能也要歸功於當初我在埋管線時的額外付出,系統按装商指定要我挖一個六呎深的大坑,但若能每深一呎就能增加若干效能百分比, 於是我就挖了一個8呎多的坑,並在其上加填了三呎深的土,總共達到接近12呎的深度,難怪按装商也説它的效果比預期的好很多.
We use the most advanced and efficient green energy system, Geo-Thermal. It provides us clean and inexpensive energy all year round. All the winter heating, summer air conditioning, appliances, cooking, and lighting together costs us only 144 dollars a month.
This is how it works. A large amount of coiled heat absorbing tubes were buried in the ground. In the winter the above ground temperature is lower than that of beneath the ground so this free and unfailing supply of heat is absorbed and accumulated and then circulated with a fan to heat up the house. On the other hand, in the summer the air temperature is much higher so the coolness is absorbed. Consequently, comfortable air conditioning is at your service at almost no cost. On top of that, the system is so efficient that it even heats our huge hot water tank with ease. Thinking of those days when we lived in Burnaby, with that regular 40 gallon household hot water tank, in the winter the amount of hot water is only good for one person to have a hot bath. The next one had to wait for so much time for the water to be heated. Now with the strong capacity of Geo-Thermal system, 3 or 4 people can have bathes without a problem. We are lucky to be in a rural area to have such a huge underground area for it. I also have to accredit the efficiency to the extra efforts I spent when preparing the hole for the tubes. The installer wanted a 6 foot deep hole for it. With knowing the deeper the better, I dug a 8 and half foot hole and then piled 3 more feet of dirt on it. When done it was almost 12 foot deep. No wonder the installer said it works a lot better than expected.
This is how it works. A large amount of coiled heat absorbing tubes were buried in the ground. In the winter the above ground temperature is lower than that of beneath the ground so this free and unfailing supply of heat is absorbed and accumulated and then circulated with a fan to heat up the house. On the other hand, in the summer the air temperature is much higher so the coolness is absorbed. Consequently, comfortable air conditioning is at your service at almost no cost. On top of that, the system is so efficient that it even heats our huge hot water tank with ease. Thinking of those days when we lived in Burnaby, with that regular 40 gallon household hot water tank, in the winter the amount of hot water is only good for one person to have a hot bath. The next one had to wait for so much time for the water to be heated. Now with the strong capacity of Geo-Thermal system, 3 or 4 people can have bathes without a problem. We are lucky to be in a rural area to have such a huge underground area for it. I also have to accredit the efficiency to the extra efforts I spent when preparing the hole for the tubes. The installer wanted a 6 foot deep hole for it. With knowing the deeper the better, I dug a 8 and half foot hole and then piled 3 more feet of dirt on it. When done it was almost 12 foot deep. No wonder the installer said it works a lot better than expected.
Sound proofing in the walls and floors.
Silence floor beam system and 20 plus engineered beams (they are much more expensive. normally builders don't use them unless specified by engineers.)
Foyer gives the first impression to the guests. We decided to use a combination of Emperor Brown marble and a European anti-slip tile for both the look and the safety. Till now, I still don't know how it works. Those tiles look exactly like granite, as shinning and fine, but when wet, instead of being more slippery, they become very grippy. I designed and built 10 Roman pillars in this area. I took time to white glue all the seams. Until now you still cannot find any cracks on the joints even if you want to. Last but not the least, Sutan loves the marble-like finish. Stroke after stroke I faux finished them with my oil painting brushes. I will have hard time evaluating the value of it if the time and work were converted to my paintings.
這裡就像是書丹的辦公室,我當然要更加的用心,我為她選用了櫻桃木的橱櫃再配上花岡岩台面,並在台面的邊沿滚上双層的線邊.廚房家電我們選用較易清理的不銹鋼家電,再為她安装了的內崁壁式蒸爐及,附有一般垃圾和有機垃圾分類收纳的的洗滌槽、双層烤箱、一座超大的料理台、早餐台、及4座内建式日式小火鍋台,及個人化控置系統.我另外為她裝上她所最愛的24小時自動淨化沸水系統, 開關一轉, 立即提供源源不斷的淨化沸水(其實在我夜晚偷吃速食泡麵時,也是我的最愛),最後除整屋的中央吸塵系統外,又在料理台區較易弄髒的地板,配上專屬吸塵装置, 用腳一踢不需吸塵管, 即可輕鬆清理.
It is Sutan's office. Of course I have to put the best of my heart into it. I chose cherry cabinets and granite countertops with 1.5" thick elegant Ogee edges for the elegancy and durability, stainless steel appliances for the feel and easy cleaning, double ovens for holiday meals, wall mount steam oven for healthy cooking, and a sink with countertop accesses to both general and organic waste bins. For the breakfast area, a double decker island with 4 Japanese style hotpot stations was custom built in. In the food processing area, an user friendly, hose free kick-on-off vacuum system was connected to the central system to make the cleaning a breeze. Finally, her favourite, the 24-hour self-supply filtered boiling water system was installed to provide her boiling water whenever she wants it. (Actually it is my favourit too when in those nights I have cravings for instant noodles.)
I remember when I was applying for the occupancy permit, the city building inspector, Dave, told me he loved this kitchen and he could tell anybody about it except for his wife because she would want one. Actually, throughout the building process, he had to come and inspect for every stage. He told me many times how satisfied he was and how much higher the quality of this house was exceeding the building codes. To make a building inspector not being able to find problems but thinking highly of it, really justifies all my efforts.
健身房及三温暖房附自動清洗式水柱及氣柱按摩浴缸及量身訂製的Coraine台面、蒸氣浴、遠紅外線烤箱、及8人用的大型Hot Tub按摩池
健身房及三温暖房附自動清洗式水柱及氣柱按摩浴缸及量身訂製的Coraine台面、蒸氣浴、遠紅外線烤箱、及8人用的大型Hot Tub按摩池
v 主卧浴室採双人按摩浴缸及花岡岩浴缸台面、歐洲壁磚、超大型洗手台、飲料吧台、並附24小時自動淨化沸水及冷水系统
v Powder Room 採用罕見的龍血石洗手台面,石材公司的老闆只有一小片,但正好足夠我的需求,他原本不想賣,天啊!我怎能輕意的放手這片美麗的大自然傑作,禁不起我的一再拜託,他終於割愛.哈哈!歹勢啦!
The gym and sauna room are equipped with a self clean jetted and air massage tub, a steam bath, a sauna, and a hot tub on the outside of it.
Granite countertops, Japanese toilets, European tiles, are used throughout the Bathrooms.
We were lucky to find a piece of "dragon blood" marble for the powder room vanity top. The owner wanted to keep it for himself and didn't want to sell. Boy, it was the apple of my eye and a perfect size for my need. Touched by my relentless begging he sold it to me. Ha Ha! Sorry!
除了自動澆水系統外,我們在菜園區裝有防結凍水龍頭, 冬天也有水可用.架高的菜圃,站著就可以採菜, 連蹲都不用, 友善的鄰居農人, 每年都送來免費的有機堆肥, 厚厚的鋪上一層,連雜草都長不出來,讓我們既可享有健康的有機蔬菜, 及摘採的樂趣, 卻又不需辛苦的照料.
In the green house, we grow some Taiwanese and some heat loving vegetables. On top of the automatic watering system, this area is also equipped with anti-frozen tap for winter use. Veggie planters are raised up to hip-high so no need to be on our knees. Friendly farmer friends bring free organic compost for the vegetations whenever we need it. The planters are covered with a thick layer of compost thus weeds cannot even grow through the surface. We can enjoy healthy organic veggies and the joy of harvesting but spend very minimal amount of time tending.
Alouette 河是當地著名的鮭魚回流必經河道之一, 水流平緩安全, 在夏天時就像是我們超大型的私人泳池, 也可以在河中泛舟或釣魚, 河裹除了Sockeye、Coho、Chum、Sockanee等鮭魚之外還有虹鱒、割喉鱒、白魚、絲瓜魚……這裡更是釣魚人最愛, 拉力最强的迴游性鱒魚Steel Head的著名釣場, 豐富的水族物産, 讓我們在自家後院的河中就可以抓淡水小龍蝦和多到數不清的淡水蚌,冰箱更是隨時堆的滿滿的.
Alouette river is a famous local salmon passage with Sockeye, Coho, Chum, Sockanee,...etc. returning every year. Other than salmon, there are rainbow trout, cut throat trout, white fish, squawk fish,... And to add icing on the cake, it is a famous fishing river for steel head, the most powerful fighter fish.
Packed with fish and water life like crayfish and fresh water clams, we are happy fishermen in our own back yard.
The gym and sauna room are equipped with a self clean jetted and air massage tub, a steam bath, a sauna, and a hot tub on the outside of it.
Granite countertops, Japanese toilets, European tiles, are used throughout the Bathrooms.
We were lucky to find a piece of "dragon blood" marble for the powder room vanity top. The owner wanted to keep it for himself and didn't want to sell. Boy, it was the apple of my eye and a perfect size for my need. Touched by my relentless begging he sold it to me. Ha Ha! Sorry!
v 全部庭園造景、花草、果園、温室、菜圃皆有自動灑水控置系統及防雜草披覆, 大量採用多年生花卉, 照料非常簡單,我們將整個果園都披上防雜草覆蓋.園中近二十株的精選矮種果樹果有蘋果、水蜜桃、樱桃、意大利李、日本李、西洋梨、日本梨、韓國梨、無花果···· 應有盡有 ,在經過多年耐心的壓條,將枝幹壓到只有幾尺高,連我們只有兩歲的小David也可以輕鬆的採果.大量多年生的蘆筍、金針花、金針筍、韮菜、草莓、藍莓、覆盆莓.....也不太需要管它們,年年忠實的來報到,多到吃不完.
All the yards, hobby veggie garden, and orchard are equipped with automatic watering system and anti-weed landscape cover and bark mulched. 20 selected dwarf fruit trees including, apple, peach, cherry, Italian plum, Japanese plum, Japanese pear, Korean pear, fig,... to name a few. After years of patient layering and pruning , they stand only for a few feet. Even our little 2 year old grandson, David, is tall enough to pick the fruits. Ever year, plenty of perennial crops such as asparagus, day lilies, lily sprouts, chives, strawberries, blue berries, raspberries......faithfully report to us.
Voted for the best flavoured, these are the famous Japanese Sinsaiky pears.
They are so productive that the branches almost touch the ground because of the weight.
Six day old Granddaughter VS giant six day old asparagus
v 小温室中我們則種植來自家鄉或一些怕冷的蔬菜
In the green house, we grow some Taiwanese and some heat loving vegetables. On top of the automatic watering system, this area is also equipped with anti-frozen tap for winter use. Veggie planters are raised up to hip-high so no need to be on our knees. Friendly farmer friends bring free organic compost for the vegetations whenever we need it. The planters are covered with a thick layer of compost thus weeds cannot even grow through the surface. We can enjoy healthy organic veggies and the joy of harvesting but spend very minimal amount of time tending.
Alouette 河是當地著名的鮭魚回流必經河道之一, 水流平緩安全, 在夏天時就像是我們超大型的私人泳池, 也可以在河中泛舟或釣魚, 河裹除了Sockeye、Coho、Chum、Sockanee等鮭魚之外還有虹鱒、割喉鱒、白魚、絲瓜魚……這裡更是釣魚人最愛, 拉力最强的迴游性鱒魚Steel Head的著名釣場, 豐富的水族物産, 讓我們在自家後院的河中就可以抓淡水小龍蝦和多到數不清的淡水蚌,冰箱更是隨時堆的滿滿的.
Alouette river is a famous local salmon passage with Sockeye, Coho, Chum, Sockanee,...etc. returning every year. Other than salmon, there are rainbow trout, cut throat trout, white fish, squawk fish,... And to add icing on the cake, it is a famous fishing river for steel head, the most powerful fighter fish.
Packed with fish and water life like crayfish and fresh water clams, we are happy fishermen in our own back yard.
這樣的一處世外桃源, 您難免會想, 這一定是處在非常偏遠的地方, 對不起!您答錯了, 在書丹白露裡即便是一株樹、一棵花的挑選及栽種, 亦經過深思熟慮, 更何况交通地點及生活機能的這種大事. 從温哥華只要三十分鐘即達這裡,大約是到 Westwood Plateau 一樣或更少的時程,若往南只要五分鐘就到市中心的購物區, 這裡有全加拿大最大的Superstore超市、和Save on Food、Canadian Tire、Shopper’s Drug Mart ……等等各大連鎖店, 七分鐘到Costco、Walmart、Home Depot….到高貴林的大統華華人超市也只需十五分鐘
Such a Shangrila, it's hard for you to avoid thinking it must be located in a very remote area. I don't blame you. But sorry, you are wrong. At Sutan of Crystal Dew, even the planting of a tree or a flower is so carefully and deliberately planned, not to mention the importance of the convenience of amenities.
Such a Shangrila, it's hard for you to avoid thinking it must be located in a very remote area. I don't blame you. But sorry, you are wrong. At Sutan of Crystal Dew, even the planting of a tree or a flower is so carefully and deliberately planned, not to mention the importance of the convenience of amenities.
It is only 30 minutes from Vancouver which is about the same or even less amount of time one spends to go to Westwood Plateau. Only takes 5 minutes southbound to Ridge Meadows shopping district, with Save on Food, Canadian Tire, Shopper Drug Mart....on the way, and here even sits the biggest Superstore in Canada. If you decide to go westbound to Coquitlam, only 7 minutes to Costco, Walmart, Home Deport, and 15 minutes to T & T Supermarket…..
A pair of pheasants nesting around the premises, and they are not afraid of people.
This guy finally reluctantly strolled away when I was only 7 or 8 feet from it.
The city provides free school bus for students till they finish high school.
No hassles for the parents
to be continued--------
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eco green city nguyễn xiển
goldmark city
chung cư 89 phùng hưng tùy tiện hành động ! Ta phỏng chừng, hôm nay tám phần chắc chắn sẽ có
đánh nhau ! Nhưng nếu lão bà đó không biết thời vụ, chọc giận bổn thiếu
gia, vậy chỉ có thể xin lỗi thôi! Khạch khạch, cao thủ tưởng giỏi lắm
sao! Bổn thiếu gia quần ẩu ngươi cho biết tay !
- Đúng, lão Đại, cho hai huynh đệ chúng ta đánh trận đầu này nhé !
Đạt Nhĩ Khắc giơ nắm tay lên, ánh mắt tràn ngập khát vọng chiến đấu !
- Thần Long sử đại nhân, sứ giả hải tộc đã đến rồi !
Lúc này, một tên Thần Long bình thường tiến đến hồi báo cho Đoạn Vân .
Thả thần thức ra, Đoạn Vân lập tức phát hiện ra sứ giả hải tộc cách đó
không xa. Lúc này số lượng người tới lại làm cho Đoạn Vân hơi giật mình.
Bởi vì chỉ có ba sứ giả hải tộc ! Một là thủy mẫu Mai Lan Ny, một là
hoàng thái tử Ốc Đặc Nhĩ, người còn lại là chị của Đông hải Sa Ngư Hoàng
La Y Tư!
Để để phòng dị biến, lúc này cũng không có nhiều hộ vệ bên người Đoạn
Vân lắm. Một trăm hai mươi Thú Nhân và hai mươi ma thú gia tộc đều được
Đoạn Vân giữ lại ở lại Á Cương. Nói cách khác, bây giờ vũ lực bên người
Đoạn Vân, chỉ có Diệp Cô Thành, năm ma sủng, bảy cuồng chiến sĩ. À...
còn một đám Thần Long của Thần Long đảo nữa ! Ở Thần Long đảo bây giờ,
nguyên lai bảy mươi ba Thần Long cấp mười một đều đã được Đoạn Vân biến
tiếng anh giao tiếp cho trẻ em
chung cư newskyline
chung cư hateco hoàng mai
chung cư hà nội